Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Teenagers and Spreadsheets

Spreadsheets are used often by adults for different things such as businesses, but teenagers can use them as well. Here are some things teens can use them for:
  • Monthly budgets- keep track of how much they're spending/saving.
  • Bills- some teens have to pay for insurance, cars, and gas. Spreadsheets can help them manage their bills.
  • To-Do Lists- teens can organize their daily activities by using a spreadsheet.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Cyber bullying is being bullied on social media websites from devices like phones, iPods, computers, laptops, tablets, etc. If I had a friend who was being cyber bullied I would give her these five tips: First, ignore what is being said and don't let it bother you. Second, tell someone! Report it if you can, or tell your parents. They should be punished for being rude to you. Third, avoid adding or following people who bully people, even if it's not you. Fourth, if it gets that bad just delete your account. Whether its twitter, Facebook, or instagram, just delete it. And lastly, be the bigger person. If there's a girl commenting on your picture on instagram saying rude things, just ignore it. Don't comment back and say something mean to her. These five things should help.


Monday, October 27, 2014

Technology and Communication

The internet and computer technology has given us many advantages but some say that we rely too much on technology, especially when it comes to communication.  People feel that using technology to communicate is impersonal and that today’s students’ writing skills are declining. I agree that communicating through technology isn't as personal. When you write a letter you are using your handwriting and your knowledge of spelling and formatting. But when you type an email or a letter to someone, you have spellcheck, automatic formatting, font styles, and so on. Therefore, it makes it less personal to use technology to communicate. Although, as much as students use technology, they learn the correct way to format things and spell words. It teaches them in everything they do. In conclusion, I disagree that the use of technology is declining student's writing skills.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Safety on Personal Information

In today's society, there are several problems of hacking, major companies losing personal data, or usernames and passwords being stolen and used to get personal information. These things can be very dangerous and harmful to people. In an article by Sean Buckley, he explains that if companies built their policies around privacy they would make people more comfortable. The article compares internet privacy to a racetrack by saying the following: "everything from the layout of the racetrack, the way drivers are trained, how pit crews interact with vehicles, it was all designed for speed and safety. As a result, spectators don't worry about their safety at a race because they trust that the system was built to protect them. Companies hoping to deal in big data have to do the same thing: Build trust by building their entire company to support privacy and data security." Like he said, people have to trust where they put their information. If people knew that they could trust more we would be able to do more things on the internet.


Friday, September 19, 2014

Internet Safety

In my opinion, the internet should be regulated by rules or laws. I believe that if we had specific laws for the internet, the crimes done through hacking computers would decrease. People hack other people's computers and get all sorts of information about them, including their credit card number. A lot of harm can be done through the internet. I believe if the government took a stand and made certain laws and regulations for the internet, we would be more safe logging onto things. I think that the government should restrict what type of information we put out there. Also, they should be more strict about cyber bullying. Rules and laws would  help a lot of people in the long run.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

About Rebecca

Hello bloggers. I'm Rebecca. One important thing about me is that I love writing. Although I don't know too much about computers, I know how to get from place to place on the internet and save documents where they need to be saved. Hopefully, in this course I will learn more tricks and cool things to do with the computer.