Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Computer Literacy Throughout the Year

This year in computer literacy I have learned several things. One of my favorite things this year was learning more things about spreadsheets. I like how it makes everything so much easier to use formulas and how neat and easily understood spreadsheets are. I also enjoyed taking the career surveys. They helped me narrow down some careers I would like to pursue. I am glad I took computer literacy this year, it was probably my number one favorite class!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Career Goals

In this unit of computer literacy we have been learning about careers and what kind of career would suit us. We took a couple surveys that old us what we would be good at. My results were human resources and all sorts of counseling. I have been interested in being a counseling psychologist since I was in seventh grade. People come to me all the time with their problems and asking for advice. I'm a person that people can come to and rely on. I always try my best to be there for everyone. I wasn't surprised when I got the results I did, I was relieved. I'm glad its not just something I want to do but it's something I would be good at.


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Hiding Behind a Computer Screen

For many people, it is easier to say something rude over the computer. The reason for that is if it's something that really pushes someone's buttons, they may want to ball up their fists and give you a good punch! If you are saying it over the internet, the most they can do is say harsh words back. Being mean over the computer is very childish. If you need to have a serious conversation with someone, talk to them face to face and work things out. Nobody likes a person who can be all big and bad on the computer but when they face their enemies they're as quiet as a mouse. Remember to always be nice. If someone says something you don't like or disagree with, just ignore it. If it is necessary to respond be polite about it.


Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Many people are familiar with the term "pirating." It is illegally downloading software, music, games, etc. People think that since it's so easy to do, it is okay. That is not the case. Companies that make the software or games need money to improve their products and create new things for us to use. If people are just downloading this stuff for free they aren't getting the money they need. I do feel that people who pirate things off the internet should be punished. The makers of the things they pirate are being punished by not getting the money they deserve, so why shouldn't they be punished as well?


Thursday, February 26, 2015

Once it's on the Internet, its there Forever

When people tell you to be careful about what you post on the internet, they mean it. You may think it's not a big deal to tweet something negative, or post an inappropriate picture because you think you can delete it but that is not the case. In a few years from now when you're applying for a job, those people can look you up on the internet and see anything you have ever posted. Whether its on facebook, instagram, twitter, myspace, anything. If someone sees something they don't want to see that could cost you your job. Once you press post, there's no going back! Always remember that! Especially when it comes to posting personal information. Steer clear of that!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Safe Passwords

In the article "Your Password is not Safe," By Ian Anderson Grey, he explains several reasons why it is important to have a safe password. Many people use the same password for all of their accounts on the internet. That is not safe because some websites send your password in plain text. If anyone or any hacker were to see that, they would have access to all your accounts. They could dig deep enough and find all sorts of personal information. They could commit fraud or get into your bank account just from that. You need to have a secure password such as a date or a phrase. Use capitals or numbers in your passwords. Try not to use the same password for everything but make sure you write them down so you don't forget them. http://iag.me/web/your-password-is-not-safe/


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Teenagers and Spreadsheets

Spreadsheets are used often by adults for different things such as businesses, but teenagers can use them as well. Here are some things teens can use them for:
  • Monthly budgets- keep track of how much they're spending/saving.
  • Bills- some teens have to pay for insurance, cars, and gas. Spreadsheets can help them manage their bills.
  • To-Do Lists- teens can organize their daily activities by using a spreadsheet.
